2025 Professional Training Program starts in:

Terms of Professional Training

Last Updated: January 3, 2025

Dear Student,

Thank you for choosing to join our EHS Professional Training and Certification Program - we are thrilled to have you with us! You've probably learned by now that here in the Hanna Somatics community, science, professionalism, transparency and ethics are all very important to us. It is our goal to not only work hard and provide excellent training and support to you, but also to maintain effective, open communication with our students and clients. If at any time you have questions about our policies or approach, please don't hesitate to ask us!

If you have already applied, been accepted into any of the EHS Professional Training Modules and paid your deposit or are a returning graduate planning to Audit, read these carefully and fill out the form at the bottom to complete your registration and pay your remaining tuition. ;)

Terms of the EHS Professional Training Program

The terms set forth below serve as your agreement as a student and/or certified EHS/CHS Educator, and are published here for your reference.

Student Contract

I ("I" means you, the student) understand that acceptance into the Equine Hanna Somatics® (EHS) Professional Training & Certification Program or Canine Hanna Somatics® Workshops gives me access to knowledge and skills not available elsewhere. I understand, as well, that the knowledge and skills of this method must be protected from adulteration and distortion, inasmuch as FEEL, EMBODIED LLC & ALISSA MAYER have a legal and moral responsibility to protect the public welfare.

I hereby freely agree and consent to the following limitations:

Since only those EHS practitioners certified by Eleanor Criswell Hanna prior to 2025, or by Alissa Mayer may represent themselves as “Equine Hanna Somatics Educators (EHSE)” or "Certified Equine Hanna Somatics Educators (C-EHSE)" or "Canine Hanna Somatics Educators," until my certification as a practitioner, I will represent myself as a “Level 1/ 2 /3 Equine Hanna Somatics® Educator.” The purpose of having a contract that students sign is to keep the Equine and Canine Hanna Somatics work as clear and coherent as possible.

Therefore, I agree that whether I complete my EHSE certification or not, I may not teach or share with others the fundamental protocols and the core professional handling methods presented in the Equine Hanna Somatics Professional Training & Certification Program or Canine Hanna Somatics Workshops for the purpose of training others as practitioners in the practice of Equine Hanna Somatics or Canine Hanna Somatics Education. I understand that only ALISSA MAYER may authorize Certified Practitioners of Equine Hanna Somatics Education to become Licensed Trainers of others as practitioners in the practice of Equine or Canine Hanna Somatics. I accept that violation of this Contract before I am certified will result in my expulsion from the EHS Professional Training Program.

As a Level 1/2/3 student or certified EHSE, I understand that I may teach clients (owners/trainers/vets/bodyworkers), either in 1-1 sessions or in-person workshops, only the introductory protocol and techniques presented in the instructional video Equine Hanna Somatics - Session 1, and in select cases also a curated selection of additional EHS/CHS exercises that are appropriate for the owner/agent to continue as beneficial 'homework' between sessions.

Furthermore, I accept that violation of this Contract after I am certified will result in my loss of the legal right to use the registered service marks “Equine Hanna Somatics®," "Canine Hanna Somatics®" its logo(s), and other authorized symbols, and will result in my expulsion from the Association for Equine Hanna Somatics Education and the Association for Hanna Somatic Education, Inc. Inasmuch as violation of this agreement will result in a court injunction against unauthorized use of a service mark or copyrighted intellectual property, I agree that, were I to so violate this Contract, I would pay attorney’s fees for the legal work involved in obtaining such an injunction.

Scope of Practice

This scope of practice is based upon the theoretical and applied principles of Hanna Somatic Education and Equine/Canine Hanna Somatics Education as they were taught under the auspices of Eleanor Criswell and the Novato Institute for Somatic Research & Training, and currently under the auspices of Alissa Mayer and Feel, Embodied LLC, Susan Koenig, Phil Shenk, Ryan Moschel and Get Out Of Shape LLC.

Equine Hanna Somatics Educators (EHSEs) provide verbal or hands-on somatic education services for individual clients or groups in order to improve the central integration of the execution of their sensory-motor activities.

This may include but not necessarily be limited to endeavoring to:

• Apply the EHS specific clinical processes of "means-whereby", "kinetic mirroring" and "pandiculation" during their sessions and classes.

• Educate and train individuals or groups in self-performed motor skill improvement processes, i.e. Somatic Exercises and Explorations, with
their own body or hands-on with their own horse(s) or dog(s).

• Disseminate educational materials to the public, including, but not limited to EHS Exercises and related somatic arts, sciences, philosophy
and principles through lectures, seminars, training programs IF specifically licensed as a trainer by Alissa Mayer and Feel, Embodied LLC, conventions, publications, audio or video materials, or otherwise.

• Develop, encourage and/or provide public benefit classes and instruction in somatic movement, relaxation, re-education forms and in somatic principles.

• Generally promote and develop somatic movement arts, science, philosophy and principles.

Equine and Canine Hanna Somatics Education do NOT include:

• psycho- or physical therapy

• bodywork

• massage therapy

• diagnosis of medical conditions

• prescription of medications

Code of Ethics

This code of ethics provides governance for three main domains of concern:

First, it specifies professional standards which allow for the proper discharge of Equine Hanna Somatics Educators' responsibilities to the clients they are serving; Secondly, it protects the integrity of Equine Hanna Somatics® Education (EHS), Canine Hanna Somatics® and the professionally certified EHS Education Practitioners; and Finally, it safeguards the interests and persons of the clients under the care of Equine Hanna Somatics or Canine Hanna Somatics practitioners.

All Certified Equine Hanna Somatics Practitioners, Licensed Teachers of EHS, or EHS Practitioners-in-Training practicing under the limitations imposed upon pre-certified students of EHS, agree to:

• Hold a sincere commitment to providing the highest quality of care to all equines and persons who seek out their professional services.

• Accurately represent professional qualifications, including education and professional affiliations, and provide only those services which they qualified to perform by training and experience.

• Inform the general public, clients, and other health care practitioners accurately about the scope and limitations of EHS/CHS practices.

• Acknowledge the limitations of and contraindications to the application of EHS/CHS practices, and refer clients to appropriate health professionals as needed.

• Provide EHS/CHS only when there is a reasonable expectation that it will be advantageous to the client.

• Maintain and improve professional certifications, knowledge, and skills through ongoing assessment of professional strengths and weaknesses, and through continued education and training.

• Observe honesty and integrity in conducting all business and professional activities, and refuse to unjustly discriminate against clients or other ethical health professionals.

• Safeguard the confidentiality of all client information unless disclosure is authorized by the client, required by law or court order, or absolutely necessary for the protection of the public at large.

• Respect the client's right to receive care with informed and voluntary consent. The consent may be either written, verbal or non-verbal and
will be obtained before providing any EHS/CHS education.

• Honor the client's right to refuse, request modification of, or terminate a session regardless of prior consent given.

• Ensure the safety, comfort, and privacy of all clients in their provision of care.

• Exercise their right to refuse to work with an equine/canine/person or part of the body for reasonable cause.

• Refrain, under any circumstances, from initiating or engaging in any sexual conduct, activities, or sexualizing behavior involving a client,
even if the client attempts to sexualize the relationship.

• Avoid any influences, activities or interests which might conflict with their obligation to always act in the best interests of their clients or profession.

• Clearly identify and give credit to ideas, techniques, and principles derived from other people, disciplines and methods within the field when teaching or sharing them, particularly in regards to written publications, dissertation research and training program curricula that integrate different methods of somatic movement education.

• Respect existing publishing rights, intellectual property and copyright laws, both nationally and internationally.

• Follow all policies, procedures, guidelines, regulations, codes, and requirements put forth by the AEHSE and by any governmental regulatory agencies and obey all applicable local, regional and national laws, including obtaining and maintaining business licensing and professional registration required by the nation, state, province, or local jurisdiction in which they practice.

• Practice courteous professional relationships with EHSE, HSE and allied professional colleagues.

Student Policies

1. Zoom Room Policy: Respect our Zoom room and this space as a place for learning.

a. Please think of this Zoom meeting as reserved for Equine and Canine Hanna Somatics® Education only.

b. Please keep our mute button on when not speaking.

c. Keep your camera on at all times unless you contact a teacher and let them know why your camera needs to be off. Your camera being on is how we take your attendance in class.

d. During class time we ask for your undivided, undistracted attention.

e. Be respectful of the whole group and yourself. Inappropriate and snide remarks, hurtful language, or putting someone down have no place in an environment conducive to creative and thought provoking learning.

f. Please be aware and respectful that others in the group may not appreciate your sharing your political, religious, or spiritual views in the classroom.

g. Be mindful of your background as we can see what your camera displays.

h. There are no dumb questions. If you don’t understand something, probably many others don’t understand it either. The training team wants you to get it! Please ask!

i. EHS is science based and frequently uses the language of science, physiology, and neurophysiology.

2. Audio, Photo, Video Recording Policy

a. The Training Sponsor reserves the exclusive right to audio, photo, and/or video record in-class activities / presentations during this EHS Training Program and/or any Canine Hanna Somatics Workshops.

b. By enrolling in this EHS/CHS Training and by electronically agreeing to the “Student Policies” upon paying tuition for any EHS Module or CHS Workshop, I give my consent / permission to be recorded.

3. Attendance Policy

a. Be on time or early. This means arriving with enough time set up your camera, going to the bathroom, saying hello to friends, and being ready to start promptly at 9 a.m. PT or your scheduled workshop time. It also means returning from breaks and lunch a few minutes early and at the latest on time.

b. Class ends at the scheduled time. Please arrange your life so you can be in class full-time.

c. We celebrate together every EHS module with a closing no-host lunch on the last day. Please plan to attend this event from 12:00 to 1:30 p.m.!

d. During breaks please use the bathroom, make phone calls, have snacks, etc. right away, when the break begins, and then be back to class on time.

e. Participation, participation, participation. The only failure is the failure to participate.

4. Dual Relationships: Some of you may have friendships, professional, or family relationships with the training team or others in the classroom. These constitute a “dual relationship” situation.

a. The training team wants to create an atmosphere free from favoritism or any expectation of entitlement.

b. In the context of our EHS Professional Training Program or CHS Workshops, whether in or out of the classroom, you’ll be wearing your “student hat” and the members of the Training Team will be wearing their “teacher or helper hats.” Please respect these roles throughout the EHS/CHS Professional Training Program.

c. Good friends may feel free to use language around each other that would be inappropriate in the classroom. For example, if another student is your friend, you may want to gossip or comment about something said in the class, that you wouldn’t think of doing if that person were not your friend. Please refrain from this in the classroom.

EHS Release of Liability

1. Inherent Risks and the assumption of Risk:

I understand that there are inherent risks associated with equine activities, and hereby expressly assume all risks associated with participating in such activities. I, the participant/undersigned, acknowledge that horses, by their very nature, are unpredictable and subject to animal whim. I assume all risks in connection therewith and expressly waive any claims for any injury or loss arising therefrom.

2. In consideration for the right to participate in this training, and/or to work with a horse in this training, including participating in the Equine Hanna Somatics Professional Training & Certification Program online with Alissa Mayer, whether such horse be owned by the participant/undersigned, or others, I (the participant/undersigned) hereby release Alissa Mayer and Feel, Embodied LLC, their agents, employees and representatives from all liability whatsoever with respect to any injury, or to my death (of the participant/undersigned), or any loss or damage to property of the participant/undersigned in participating in the training.

3. I hereby consent to the administration of first aid and other emergency services in case of injury, and to the contacting of any emergency contacts and physicians listed in my student profile (or in the event that the listed physician cannot be reached via the contact information provided, any licensed physician) and ambulance services at the the expense of the participant/undersigned, if in the opinion of any representative of Alissa Mayer the circumstances warrant.

Thank you for taking the time to read these documents! When you agree below and/or pay your tuition for any EHS Module or CHS Workshop, this agreement will become effective.

Much Love,

Alissa Mayer

Director - Equine Hanna Somatics® Professional Training & Certification Program

Disclaimer: Equine Hanna Somatics® is not bodywork and is not a diagnostic or treatment tool. The information included on this website and in any affiliated programs is not meant to take the place of professional veterinary or medical advice, may not be current, and is subject to change without notice.

©2014-2025 Feel, Embodied LLC and Criswell & Mayer Productions LLC. All Rights Reserved.