Next wave of the EHS Professional Training Program starts in:

EHS Practitioner Directory

We have students and graduates in 12+ countries practicing and teaching EHS!

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What do all the LETTERS mean?

EHSE Instructors

Eleanor Criswell and any Certified EHSE's she has invited to co-teach in the Equine Hanna Somatics Professional Training Program

Ed.D = Education Director

EHSE-C = Co-Instructor

Certified EHSE

Qualified graduates of the Equine Hanna Somatics Professional Training Program who have completed all 3 Modules and been certified by Eleanor Criswell.

C-EHSE or Certified EHSE

Certified Equine Hanna Somatics Educator

Student EHSE

Students of the Equine Hanna Somatics Professional Training Program who have completed at least one module:

Level 1 EHSE

Level 2 EHSE

Level 3 EHSE

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