2025 Professional Training Program starts in:
Association for Equine Hanna Somatics® Education (AEHSE)
Associate Membership
Student Membership
Includes CE/CPD, business development, exclusive events, more...
Certified Membership
Our Practitioners
Equine Hanna Somatics is NOT bodywork, but is a movement-based training method that helps horses access the part of their brains that regulate chronic muscular tension. By inviting horses to voluntarily participate in EHS movements, we facilitate the horse in resetting their own resting muscle tone. We truly work WITH, not ON, horses.
Our Online Practitioner Directory includes both certified and student practitioners who have completed 1, 2 or all 3 training modules of the certification program, and who are already out serving the horses of the world, or completing their self-study practicum requirements.
EHSEs who are also Association (AEHSE) members are indicated by a star below their name in the directory, and may include the appropriate membership badge on their website, social media profiles and marketing materials.
There are three levels of membership available:
Student EHSE, Certified EHSE, and Associate.
Associate Membership includes a periodic email newsletter, early notification of training dates and registration, exclusive discounts on in-person events, and our gratitude for your support!
Benefits of Student/Certified Membership include:
Ongoing professional support from the EHS Teaching Team & Networking with peers in a private online community
Priority Scheduling for 1-1 Mentoring with Alissa Mayer
Case-Conferencing Events with EHSE Colleagues
Practice-Building Workshops to grow your business
Case-Study Templates and Consultation
Networking and Promotion on the AEHSE Social Channels
Publication of your EHS clinics/workshops and online classes on the EHS Global Calendar on the AEHSE website
Opportunity to publish case studies on the EHS Blog
An Expanded Practitioner Directory Listing that includes:
Social Media icons and live link to your website
Pop-up with detailed Bio & link to a scheduling app or offer
AEHSE Membership Badge for your website and promo materials
Enhanced professional online presence and industry credibility
Discounts from allied professionals and businesses
Affiliate Commission on referral sales of the EHS Session 1 video
Equine Hanna Somatics Educators provide verbal or hands-on somatic education services for individual clients or groups in order to improve the central integration of the execution of their sensory-motor activities.
This may include but not necessarily be limited to endeavoring to:
• Apply the EHS specific clinical processes of "means-whereby", "kinetic mirroring" and "pandiculation" during their sessions and classes.
• Educate and train individuals or groups in self-performed motor skill improvement processes, i.e. Somatic Exercises and Explorations, with their own body or hands-on with their own horse(s).
• Disseminate educational materials to the public, including, but not limited to EHS Exercises and related somatic arts, sciences, philosophy and principles through lectures, seminars, training programs IF specifically licensed as a trainer by the Novato Institute, conventions, publications, audio or video materials, or otherwise.
• Develop, encourage and/or provide public benefit classes and instruction in somatic movement, relaxation, re-education forms and in somatic principles.
• Generally promote and develop somatic movement arts, science, philosophy and principles.
Equine Hanna Somatics Education does NOT include:
• psycho- or physical therapy
• bodywork
• massage therapy
• diagnosis of medical conditions
• prescription of medications
All Certified Equine Hanna Somatics Practitioners, Licensed Teachers of EHS, or Equine Practitioners-in-Training practicing under the limitations imposed upon pre-certified students of EHS, agree to:
• Hold a sincere commitment to providing the highest quality of care to all equines and persons who seek out their professional services.
• Accurately represent professional qualifications, including education and professional affiliations, and provide only those services which they qualified to perform by training and experience.
• Inform the general public, clients, and other health care practitioners accurately about the scope and limitations of EHS practices.
• Acknowledge the limitations of and contraindications to the application of EHS practices, and refer clients to appropriate health professionals as needed.
• Provide EHS only when there is a reasonable expectation that it will be advantageous to the client.
• Maintain and improve professional certifications, knowledge, and skills through ongoing assessment of professional strengths and weaknesses, and through continued education and training.
• Observe honesty and integrity in conducting all business and professional activities, and refuse to unjustly discriminate against clients or other ethical health professionals.
• Safeguard the confidentiality of all client information unless disclosure is authorized by the client, required by law or court order, or absolutely necessary for the protection of the public at large.
• Respect the client's right to receive care with informed and voluntary consent. The consent may be either written, verbal or non-verbal and will be obtained before providing any EHS education.
• Honor the client's right to refuse, request modification of, or terminate a session regardless of prior consent given.
• Ensure the safety, comfort, and privacy of all clients in their provision of care.
• Exercise their right to refuse to work with an equine/person or part of the body for reasonable cause.
• Refrain, under any circumstances, from initiating or engaging in any sexual conduct, activities, or sexualizing behavior involving a client, even if the client attempts to sexualize the relationship.
• Avoid any influences, activities or interests which might conflict with their obligation to always act in the best interests of their clients or profession.
• Respect existing publishing rights, intellectual property and copyright laws, both nationally and internationally.
• Obey all applicable local, regional and national laws, including obtaining and maintaining business licensing and professional registration required by the nation, state, province, or local jurisdiction in which they practice;
DIY Instructional Video
Hands-on Guidance
Professional Training
©2014-2025 Feel, Embodied LLC and Criswell & Mayer Productions LLC. All Rights Reserved.